Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Kite Runner

This navel written by Khaled Hosseini that takes place in Afganistan in in about the 1970's. The time period and author is very improtant to this story. The author is the narrator and does a very good job with describiton and introducing the characters i really liked the way that he introduced himself in the story. He did not let you know his name until the end of chapter two but did not just say his name but the signifacant of his name came along with it it was Hassens first werid Amir his name. I think that was signifacant to how much time they spent together and how loyal Hassen was to his friend Amir is proved over and over in the story but it begins as early as his first werid. I also see alot of sybolizim in this story the smoking room is a major one through out the story again and again we see Amir dragging Hassen along to sit and listen outside the smoking room where Amirs fathere spent most his time. This symbolizes the wall between Amir and his father as wel as how badly he seeks approvel although over and over again he his told to run along and play and ends up sitting out side the smoking room for hours on end. This is a very warming navel soo far on friendship and how far you will go for a friend. If was to give it theme to this point that would have to be the theme friendship as Hassen goes as far as getting raped for his friend. I think by the end of the story all the charcters will have somewhat of a dynamic change.